It actually is rather easy to simulate cross-continental lag situations here in Singapore. Simply have someone host at E-Games while you lancraft over from HQ.
Geography says that the two locations are about 20 metres away.
As lag goes, they might as well be a 20 hour flight apart.
That being said here's... Ant's Rant #3: How to deal with DotA lag
1) Whine. A lot. But only out loud or to your teammates, never whine in all chat, because your opponents don't need and don't want to know how much you are lagging. Of course, if you don't feel the urge to whine at all, then don't, but if you do feel the urge, never hesitate to whine because you should...
2) Never feel excessively pissed off. Whining kind of vents frustration to make lag less frustrating. Lag kills you when you make stupid mistakes by being pissed off by it. It also kills you because that Lich suddenly teleported next to you while your screen was busy being frozen, but not as often as it will by you making a stupid mistake while pissed off.
3) Have your teammates next to you. Cause when you guys all lag together, there is a mutual understanding of how much lag there is, and everyone lags together. Hey, it's an old UYO/Army philosophy that suffering is easier when your friends are suffering with you!
4) Be a coward. Actually this applies only to me because I'm always a coward, so skip this.
The delay we got in the match versus SoulShift, to describe it, would be like an absolute Sin(x) curve. A variation between 0 and 1 seconds (or perhaps more, didn't actually bother counting). Parts of the game involved me attack-moving out of neccessity, and some involved no lag. It's the hanging that sort of kills people though.
Tofu's infamous QoP statue moment was repeated again. Multiple times. As he puts it, "My LoA goes into their base and when I see it again it's at 400 hp". I missed countless kills because the damn infernal (or the infernal Infernal) didn't respond fast enough to attack whichever target I wanted it to after it was called down. It's amazing how well battles go though when each battle practically comprises of each player on the team making about at most 3 clicks (I think Musica only could make 1 click before his comp froze).
That being said, I really do appreciate the efforts of my team and SoulShift. Even with A-levels drawing near (oh ye who lack responsibility =.=), SoulShift still waited for us for about an hour and were nice and manner throughout the game. As for my team, Ice was early, LuX waited patiently without playing, Tofu laughed more about the lag than letting it get to him, and GPS landed good Epic's and was surprisingly reliable for a Sandking facing that amount of lag, while being very sick and after attending training too (oh ye who lack responsibility =.=). And Musica isn't mentioned because he has no idiosyncracies of which to commend for not being manifested.
After this and the numerous games with Singnet/Starhub ISP wars, I think we're prepared to play inter-continental matches.
Fantastic positive attitude too. An uncharacteristic moment shared with Tofu:
So both Tofu and me are up at top lane when one by one, FIVE HEROES appear from the forest (or was it only 4? I don't usually stop to count) and proceed to pound on us. As you would expect, we die. Rather badly. Though from the looks of it we could have taken a few of them down too.
There isn't a whine of "omg wards" or "wtf no warn" or "tp assist?"
"Omg, we could have won them."
"Yah but I shielded wrong."
"Lol this is imba."
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